Lists in Python

Python3 Lists in Python

This lecture you will learn python Lists in Python!

Lists in Python

names = ['perry','rita','john','kris','alice',]
print(names[0]) // as we calling index item from list
print(names[-1])  // for negative index item
print(names[2:]) // index print from 2 item 
print(names[2:4])  // index print range of 2 to 4
print(names[:])  // prints complete list

names = ['perry','rita','john','kris','alice',]

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also we can correct the list items on fly 

names = ['perry','rita','john','kris','alice',]
names[0] = 'per'

['per', 'rita', 'john', 'kris', 'alice']

Exercise task for beginners:

Write a program to find the largest number in a list of given 
numbers = “3, 5, 11, 2, 4, 10”

numbers = [3, 5, 11, 2, 4, 10]
max = numbers[0]
for number in numbers:
    if number > max:
        max = number


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