Python Command Line Basics

python 3 the beginning

What is python3?

latest Python 3.0 is a new version of the language that is incompatible with the 2.x line of releases. The language is mostly the same, but many details, especially how built-in objects like dictionaries and strings work, have changed considerably, and a lot of deprecated features which are avilable in earlier versions have finally been removed. Also, the standard library has been reorganized in a few prominent places of folder structure.

python3 - latest version

Python Command Line Basics
Before start installing Python, it’s important to have a very quick overview of how to work at the command line.
This allows you to programmatically move through your computer’s directories
Will cover here:
Find your current directory
List all files in a directory
How to change directory
How to clear the command line screen

Windows Users:
Windows Command Line

Goto -> run-> command ->
C:\> cd //for changing current directory
C:\> dir //directories of my current directory
C:\> cd Desktop // changing directory to my Desktop
C:\> cd .. //to go back one directory
C:\>cd Documents // start letter and hit tab you will get directory names
C:\>cd ..
C:\>cls // clear the entire screen
Windows Users are done for now. Jump to start the next Lecture.
Linux / MacOS Users:

Linux / MacOS Command Line called as terminal
Open a terminal window

$ sign indicates users command line , following commands are very similar
$pwd // you will get current directory location
$ls //to know the file and folders of current location directory
$cd Desktop
$pwd // shows the current path of cursor
$cd ..
$clear // for clear the screen terminals

MacOS / Linux Users are done for now. Jump to start the next Lecture. We will use these commands on our coming lectures.

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