python data science interview questions and answers

Basic python data science interview Questions

What is Data Science?

Data Science is a multi-desciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data.

Explain commonly used python packages in Data Science?

Matplot library
data science
python data science interview questions and answers python is a high-level programming language using Data Science Now a days

Data Science

Data Science interview questions and answers for python top python interview Questions and Answers for data science

top data science python interview questions and answers

Q. Tell me types of machine learning are available?
A. Supervised learning
Unsupervised learning
Reinforcement Learning

Q. What is the Supervised learning in machine learning?
A. Supervised learning – When you know your target variable for the problem statement, it becomes Supervised learning. This can be applied to perform regression and classification.

awesome python data science interview questions and answerstop data science interview Questions and Answers

beginners python data science interview questions and answers

Q. What is the Unsupervised learning in machine learning?
A. Unsupervised learning – When you do not know your target variable for the problem statement, it becomes Unsupervised learning. This is widely used to perform Clustering. Example: K-Means and Hierarchical clustering.

Q. Explain Data Science programs commonly used algorithms?
A. Linear regression
Logistic regression
Random Forest

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