HTML5 Formatting Text with examples

Formatting Text in HTML

HTML Formatting Text

Formatting Text in HTML

Bold text showing
Itlic text showing
Subscript and Superscript showing within the html form.

Formatting elements were designed to display special types of text on HTML form: • <i> - with this tag Italic text will display • <b> - with this tag Bold text • <strong> - with this tag Important text will display in like bold • <em> - with this tag Emphasized text • <mark> - with this tag Marked text will display • <small> - with this tag Small text • <del> - with this tag Deleted text • <ins> - with this tag Inserted text • <sub> - with this tag Subscript text • <sup> - with this tag Superscript text

html5 tutorial for experienced

<i> and <b> Elements
<i> and <b> Elements
<i> element This tag indicates that italic text Example: <i> this is italic text </i> <b> element This tag indicates that Bold text Example: <b> this is Bold text </b>

<strong> and <em> elements

<strong> and <em> elements in HTML

This tag indicates that strong like importance and bold text represents

Example: <strong> this is strong text </strong> <em> element This tag indicates that emphasized like semantic importance text represents Example: <em> this is emphasized text </em> Observe that the <strong> and <b> tags shows the text in bold where as a difference in that <b> represents bold only and <strong> will represents the text bold with importance of the text. Similarly <i> and <em> tags represents respectively italic text and importance.

<small> and <mark> Elements

<small> element This tag indicates that small text represents Example: <small> this is small text </small> <mark> element This tag indicates that marked or highlighted text represents within the paragraph if require any important text marked like sketch highlight we can do by using this tool such requirements. Example: <p> meeting on <mark> dated this is highlight text </mark> something else </p>

<del> and </ins>Elements

<del> Element This tag indicates that deleted or removed text represents Example: <p>meeting dates postponed <del> this is meeting canceled text </del>new meeting dates </p> <ins> element This tag indicates that inserted or added text represents Example: <ins> this is added text </ins>

<sub> and <sup> Elements

<sub> element This tag indicates that subscripted text represents Example: <sub> this is subscripted text </sub> <sup> element This tag indicates that superscripted text represents Example: <sup> this is superscripted text </sup> html5 tutorial for beginners and experienced by harisystems

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