Html5 Styles Examples for beginners

HTML5 Styles tutorial

HTML Styles tutorial

learn HTML5 Styles

Styles will shows the beautiful HTML page for the purpose we need to use some of properties style property will write within the, it should be like property name and value also consider it as CSS style sheets it will learn CSS Tutorial.

<nameoftag style="property name : value of the property;" > syntax showing </ nameoftag>

html5 Fonts tutorial

This font-family property will defines which font we need to use to display for an element

<h2 style="font-family:arial;">Heading</h2> <p style=" font-family:verdana;">paragraph here.</p>

Text Color

This is color property will defines the color of the text to be display on HTML element

<h2 style="color:yellow;">Heading</h2> <p style="color:green;">paragraph here.</p>

learn html5 tutorial for beginners

Background Color

This is the background-color property will defines the background color of an HTML element

<body style=”background-color:skyblue”> <h2>Heading </h2> <p>paragraph here </p> </body>

Text Size on HTML form

This font-size property will defines the size of the text for an HTML form element

<h2 style="font-size:200%;">Heading</h2> <p style=" font-size:100%;">paragraph here.</p>

Text Alignment on HTML form

This text-align property horizontally align text as requested

<h2 style="text-align:left;">Left Aligned Heading</h2> <p style="text-align:center;">Centered paragraph here.</p>

You learned from this chapter

• How to use font-family for text fonts using as common font
• How to use font-size for text sizes using as common font sizes
• How to use text-align for text alignment
• How to use the style attribute for styling HTML elements to display
• How to use background-color for background color usage
• How to use color for text colors change