CSS – Cascading Style Sheet
You will learn five Questions and Answers
01. What are the advantages Applying CSS to HTML form?
a. Accessibility, can apply whole project in to a single css page, light weight page creation, making more styles.
02. What are the CSS frameworks?
a. CSS framework are the preplanned libraries which make easy and more standard web page styling
Frameworks are Bootstrap 4 and Foundation.
03. What are the different ways to position a certain element in CSS?
a. The position property specifies the type of positioning method used for an element.
i. position: fixed;
ii. position: static;
iii. position: absolute;
iv. position: sticky;
v. position: relative;
These elements are then positioned using the top, bottom, left and right properties. However these properties will not work unless the position property is set first. These are also work differently depending on the position value.
04. Explain the different modules used in the current version of CSS?
a. There are several modules in CSS will use to write applying styles
i. Selectors
ii. Box model
iii. Backgrounds and Borders
iv. Text Effects
v. Animations
vi. User interface
05. What are the various font-related attributes in CSS?
a. Font-related attributes in CSS we will apply
i. Font-style
ii. Font-variant
iii. Font-weight
iv. Font-size/line-height
v. Font-family
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