Q. How to seek help in case of discrepancies in Tableau?
A. When you face any issue regarding Tableau, try searching in the Tableau community forum.
Q. Why Data Science Important to make the dashboards. Why?
A. To make stakeholders more aware about the business through data. Working on visualization projects helps you develop one of the key skills every data scientist should possess i.e. end user requirement.
python data science interview questions and answers python is a high-level programming language using Data Science Now a days
Q. How you achieve accuracy in the first model / project that you built?
A. Building machine learning models involves a lot of interesting steps. 90% accuracy models don’t come in the very first attempt. Trial and error is possible at this time. The process will help you learn new concepts in statistics, math and probability.
Q. What are the basic responsibilities of a Data Scientist?
A. As a data scientist, we have the responsibility to make complex things simple enough that anyone without context should understand, what we are trying to convey.
The moment, we start explaining even the simple things the mission of making the complex simple goes away. This happens a lot when we are doing data visualization.
Q. What is RUN-Group processing in Data Science?
A. To practice RUN-group processing, you start the system and then submit many RUNgroups.
A RUN-group is a group of records that contain at least one product group including ends with a RUN statement. It can contain different SAS statements such as AXIS, BY, GOPTIONS, LEGEND, Power, or WHERE.
Q. What is deep learning in data science?
A. Deep learning is a process where it is considered to be a subset of machine learning process.