HTML5 Paragraphs Examples tutorial for beginners

HTML Paragraphs

HTML5 Paragraphs tutorial for beginners

In HTML <p> tag element defines a paragraph Example: <p>This is a first paragraph.</p> <p>This is a second paragraph.</p> In paragraph while preparing with <p> tag need to observe some of rules this tag in HTML will follows In any additional spaces and lines if given between sentences it won’t consider and you can not sure that how it will displays, if you need to custom by using CSS than it will control on your hands. Example: will explain clearly in detailed <p> here paragraph contains a lot of lines and words in the source code, it may ignore it </p> <p> This text contains a lot of spaces in the source code, here the browser ignores it. </p> Try to practice with the above code example and you will know clearly.

HTML5 End tag and its important
<p>This is a first paragraph. <p>This is a second paragraph. It will work some browsers, but it is not good practice to write HTML code like this.

Learn html5 tutorial from scratch

Break Lines in Paragraphs
<br> tag is used to use for a line break While <p> using paragraph tag if we may require any line break and next line starts from beginning <br> will use to break line in HTML. Example: <p>This is <br>a text paragraph <br> with line break </p>

In HTML <pre> element

This tag defines the preformatted text, with in this tag element text will display a fixed width font, and it preserves both spaces and line breaks:

Example: <pre> This is the first line. This is second line. This is third line without br tag Really its printing text shown below </pre>

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