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Java Strings: Manipulating Textual Data

In Java, strings are used to represent and manipulate textual data. Strings are a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes. In this article, we will explore the concept of strings in Java and provide examples to help you understand their usage.

Creating Strings

In Java, you can create strings using the String class. Here's an example:

String message = "Hello, World!";

The above code creates a string variable named message with the value "Hello, World!".

String Concatenation

You can concatenate strings using the + operator. Here's an example:

String firstName = "John";
String lastName = "Doe";
String fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;

The above code concatenates the strings firstName, a space, and lastName to form the string fullName with the value "John Doe".

String Length

You can determine the length of a string using the length() method. Here's an example:

String message = "Hello, World!";
int length = message.length();

System.out.println(length); // Output: 13

In the above code, the length() method returns the number of characters in the string message.

String Comparison

You can compare strings using the equals() method or the comparison operators (==, !=, >, <, >=, <=). Here's an example:

String str1 = "Hello";
String str2 = "World";

boolean isEqual = str1.equals(str2);
boolean isGreaterThan = str1.compareTo(str2) > 0;

System.out.println(isEqual); // Output: false
System.out.println(isGreaterThan); // Output: true

In the above code, the equals() method compares the contents of str1 and str2 for equality. The compareTo() method compares the two strings lexicographically and returns a positive integer if str1 is greater than str2.

String Manipulation

The String class provides various methods for manipulating strings. Here are a few commonly used methods:

  • toUpperCase(): Converts the string to uppercase. Example: String upperCase = "hello".toUpperCase();
  • toLowerCase(): Converts the string to lowercase. Example: String lowerCase = "WORLD".toLowerCase();
  • substring(): Extracts a substring from the original string. Example: String sub = "Hello, World!".substring(7, 12);
  • replace(): Replaces a specified character or substring with another. Example: String replaced = "Hello".replace("H", "J");
  • split(): Splits the string into an array of substrings based on a delimiter. Example: String[] parts = "Hello,World".split(",");

String Formatting

You can format strings using the String.format() method or the % symbol. Here's an example:

String name = "John";
int age = 30;

String formattedString = String.format("My name is %s and I am %d years old.", name, age);

The above code formats the string by replacing %s with the value of name and %d with the value of age.


Strings are essential for working with textual data in Java. In this article, we explored the concept of strings, including creating strings, concatenating strings, determining string length, comparing strings, manipulating strings, and formatting strings. By understanding string manipulation techniques, you can effectively work with textual data in your Java programs. Continuously practice using strings and explore more advanced topics, such as regular expressions, to enhance your Java programming skills.








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