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Java Object-Oriented Programming: Class Methods

In Java, class methods are methods that are associated with the class itself rather than with individual instances or objects of the class. Class methods, also known as static methods, can be accessed and invoked directly on the class without the need for creating an object. In this article, we will explore class methods in Java and provide examples to help you understand their usage.

Defining Class Methods

In Java, you can define a class method by using the static keyword in the method declaration. Here's an example:

public class MyClass {
    // Attributes

    // Constructor

    // Instance Method

    // Class Method
    public static void printMessage() {
        System.out.println("This is a class method.");

In the above code, we define a class named MyClass and a class method named printMessage. The static keyword indicates that the method belongs to the class itself, rather than to any specific object created from the class.

Accessing Class Methods

Since class methods are associated with the class itself, you can access and invoke them directly on the class without the need for creating an object. Here's an example:


In the above code, we access the printMessage class method of the MyClass class without creating an object. We simply use the class name followed by the method name and parentheses to invoke the method.

Example: Math Class

The built-in Math class in Java provides a collection of class methods for performing various mathematical operations. Here are some examples:

double pi = Math.PI;
int max = Math.max(10, 20);
double sqrt = Math.sqrt(25);

In the above code, we use the class method PI of the Math class to access the value of π. We also use the class methods max and sqrt to find the maximum of two numbers and calculate the square root of a number, respectively. These methods are accessed directly on the Math class.

Benefits of Class Methods

Class methods offer several benefits in Java programming:

  • Direct access: Class methods can be accessed and invoked directly on the class, without the need for creating objects. This provides a convenient and efficient way to use utility methods or perform operations that are not specific to individual objects.
  • Code organization: By grouping related methods as class methods, you can organize your code more effectively and improve code readability and maintainability.
  • Memory efficiency: Since class methods are not associated with individual object instances, they do not require memory allocation for object-specific data. This can be advantageous in situations where you need to perform operations at the class level without the overhead of object creation.


Class methods, or static methods, in Java provide a way to associate methods with the class itself rather than with individual objects. In this article, we explored how to define and access class methods, using examples from the Math class to illustrate their usage. We discussed the benefits of class methods, such as direct access, code organization, and memory efficiency. By effectively utilizing class methods, you can write more efficient and organized code in Java. Continuously practice working with class methods and explore more advanced topics, such as method overloading and overriding, to further enhance your object-oriented programming skills.








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